Students are encouraged to be thoughtful of others through their own actions and choices. The school has a strong and consistent behaviour procedure for both classroom and the playground to help students become good citizens.
Class rules are worked on together at the start of each year based on the values and key competencies that are found in the school's curriculum document and the following ideas.
The following is the school discipline system developed to manage unacceptable behaviour
These steps should be preceded by a general warning or clear instructions for what is expected behaviour.
Initials written on the Board: First warning
Persistent unacceptable behaviour will result in the parents being inform and the students missing out on the class incentive day.
NB: Serious and unsafe behaviour will be acted on immediately by the Principal or a delegate in his or her absence.
Based on the school rules the playground is managed using Time Out and the giving of positive consequences.
Time Out is to manage serious misbehaviours such as dishonesty, high level inappropriate language, non-compliance with teachers instruction, bullying, violence,defiance, going out of bounds.
Other behaviours will either be dealt with by the duty teacher or the students concerned could be sent to the DP or principal
Timeout runs for fifteen minutes during the school's lunchtime.
The incentive trips are offered to all children who have worked towards the commonly set goals for that particular class.
The purpose of the Incentive days is to have students aware of the positive consequences of good behaviour.
Should a student earn four time outs they will miss out on the incentive day. However depending on the behaviour students are given the opportunity to earn back their incentive day by meeting with the principal and deciding on the criteria that they will have to meet to be able to take part in the day.
Parents will be informed if a child doesn't meet the criteria.