Principal's Message
Miss Erin Clayton

Kia ora
We celebrated the beginning of Lent this week. For Shrove Tuesday we shared pancakes and watched the burning of some Palms in preparation for Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday the school attended a Liturgy or Mass to receive their Ash cross on the forehead and begin their Lenten journey. For the next 40 days we walk our Lenten path in preparation for Easter. Lent is a chance to prepare our hearts through Prayer, Fasting and giving. As such the Young Vinnies are running a food bank drive collecting canned food, cereal, rice, pasta and other non-perishable items to support families in need in our community. If you have something big or small to donate please bring it in.

This week half of the school has been swimming. We walk to the pool daily and learn vital skills for staying safe in the water. This learning programme is vital in New Zealand where we are surrounded by oceans and swimmable rivers. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped us walk to the pool. The second half of the school will be swimming next week.
This week half of the school has been swimming. We walk to the pool daily and learn vital skills for staying safe in the water. This learning programme is vital in New Zealand where we are surrounded by oceans and swimmable rivers. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped us walk to the pool. The second half of the school will be swimming next week.

Goal Setting Interviews this term
Our goal setting interview booking is now open. Through the learning journey it is important that all children and family know where they stand, where they need to go what they need to do to achieve success.
Our goal setting interview booking is now open. Through the learning journey it is important that all children and family know where they stand, where they need to go what they need to do to achieve success.
Goal setting is for parents/caregivers to come along and hear an explanation about what the learning goals for 2025 are and to share their insights and understandings of their child with the classroom teacher. Children will be more motivated to achieve their goals if they've set them themselves because these goals will be important to them. The more involved you are in the process the more likely it is that the goals will be achieved.
Goal setting will be held over two days
Goal setting will be held over two days
Tuesday 18 March: 3.00-5.30pm
Wednesday 19 March : 3.00-5.30pm
These interviews are 10 minutes in duration. Details on how to book later in the newsletter.
If you do not have access to the internet or trouble booking, please come into the school office and the staff will assist with your bookings.
We hope you will take the opportunity to come along and share these goals.

Friends of the School and Cultural Showcase and Talent show
The Friends of the School are proud to announce a raffle prize of a Pocket pillow king single bed, mattress and base, with mattress protector, pillow, new linen and free delivery in the Hamilton area. This is a prize worth over $1000. Thank you to our sponsor beddepot for this. We have raffle pages going home on Friday for sale please promote and sell the tickets far and wide as this will help us to fund our Education Outside the Class programmes at the end of the year.
beddepot is a local company committed to providing quality affordable beds. Thanks for the support beddepot.

Car Park safety
Please do not walk across the carpark at the end of the day, instead use the walkway around the edge thank you. This keeps everyone safe. Also the carpark is a one way system where you must follow the flow of traffic through the entire carpark. This ensures that all cars can move and there are no traffic jams.

Have a uniform check with your child. We are in summer uniform this means short sleeves, sandals and hats. If for any reason you are unable to wear correct uniform a note of explanation needs to be given to the classroom teacher.
One of the objectives of the Ministry of Education is to reach the goal of 90% attendance for every school. For this they have created STAR- the Stepped Attendance Response. Regular attendance at school is important for your child's success and there is a clear connection between going to school regularly and doing well in the classroom. Making sure students attend and engage in learning is a shared responsibility. As a parent you are responsible for making sure your child attends school every day. We acknowledge that there are genuine reasons students may occasionally be absent. However without regular attendance your child will struggle to make progress. If your child is absent regularly, or for extended periods, we will reach out to discuss the situation. We are committed to supporting your child to attend school. If you are having difficulty getting your child to school, you can ask for support by:
- Speaking with your child's teacher
- Contacting the office
We can work with you to develop a support plan that addresses any barriers to regular attendance.
More information on attendance, including your rights and responsibilities as parents or caregivers, is available on the Ministry of Education's webpage
More information on attendance, including your rights and responsibilities as parents or caregivers, is available on the Ministry of Education's webpage
Ngā mihi nui
Erin Clayton (Principal)
Erin Clayton (Principal)