Principal's Message
Miss Erin Clayton
Tena Koutou Katoa
We are now half way through term 3 and seem to be speeding towards the end of the year with August almost finished.
Thank you to all our families that have put the effort into looking after one another in the carpark during drop-off and pick-up times. Especially with some of the weather we are having, taking the time to slow down and use patience pays off. As spring and summer approach perhaps discuss as a family other options for pick-up such as Dermont Street or Pollen Cres. These are both just a short walk away but means that the carpark will not be as congested and everyone will be kept safe.
We are now half way through term 3 and seem to be speeding towards the end of the year with August almost finished.
Thank you to all our families that have put the effort into looking after one another in the carpark during drop-off and pick-up times. Especially with some of the weather we are having, taking the time to slow down and use patience pays off. As spring and summer approach perhaps discuss as a family other options for pick-up such as Dermont Street or Pollen Cres. These are both just a short walk away but means that the carpark will not be as congested and everyone will be kept safe.
Wednesday 21st of August was the Feast of St Pius X. We celebrated as a school with the Parish on Sunday at Mass and then had house games and ice-blocks on Wednesday. We are privileged to have such a humble and faith filled name sake. Thank you for all the support on Sunday it was lovely to see so many families.
Pizza Tuesday
Pizza Tuesday will be each Tuesday this term.
Ham, Cheese and Pepperoni -$2 for a slice.
Please bring your money in a named envelope and hand it in to your class teacher Tuesday morning.
Please bring your money in a named envelope and hand it in to your class teacher Tuesday morning.
All funds raised will be used towards camps across the school in term 4.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Please look over the important dates later in the newsletter to keep informed on what is coming up over term 3.
Please look over the important dates later in the newsletter to keep informed on what is coming up over term 3.
Ngā mihi nui
Erin Clayton (Principal)
News from the Classroom
As part of Hoiho and Tui’s Financial literacy course we have joined an interactive banking computer program set up by Kiwi bank. This program gives students virtual bank accounts which operate like real life. They have paid jobs, pay rent, create savings accounts, buy luxury or necessary items and pay mortgages. The bank sometimes arranges competitions and offers prizes. Tui have won the first competition. Well done Tui. A box of class goodies are on their way!!!!