Principal's Message
Miss Erin Clayton
Tena Koutou Katoa
Welcome to week 7.
I would like to start by saying thank you to our Friends of the School for their Coffee, Cake and Conversation event last Friday. This team does a great job supporting our Kura (school) and I know they could use some new members. If you think you might be able to help see details in the Friends of the School section of the Newsletter. I feel truly blessed to be in a school of such spirit and support.
Welcome Into the School
It is wonderful to see more people coming into the school grounds before and after school. You are welcome to stay and meet up around the playground if you would like. Our next challenge is to come into the classrooms, admire the art, read a book and see your child's latest piece of writing . We would love to see you and the children adore sharing their learning with you.
Welcome to week 7.
I would like to start by saying thank you to our Friends of the School for their Coffee, Cake and Conversation event last Friday. This team does a great job supporting our Kura (school) and I know they could use some new members. If you think you might be able to help see details in the Friends of the School section of the Newsletter. I feel truly blessed to be in a school of such spirit and support.
Welcome Into the School
It is wonderful to see more people coming into the school grounds before and after school. You are welcome to stay and meet up around the playground if you would like. Our next challenge is to come into the classrooms, admire the art, read a book and see your child's latest piece of writing . We would love to see you and the children adore sharing their learning with you.
BSLA Parent meeting with the Junior Team
The junior team is running a BSLA meeting next week. BSLA stands for Better Start Literacy Approach. The meeting aims to share with family how Reading is taught at school and how to best support literacy at home. The meeting is on the 21st March from 6pm-7pm. More details to come.
Reminder about the driveway
Please don't drive down the drive to school. If you are late please still walk down the drive to sign in. If you are coming to collect a sick child from the office you may come down the drive to the admin building.
Cultural Showcase
After our Easter break on April 5th we will have the St Pius X Cultural Showcase. This is a chance to share your family talents and perform for the community. If you have an item you would like to perform please fill in the form sent home last week or at the School office. I can't wait to see the talent we have here at St Pius X.
If you have a younger sibling to enroll at school from 2024-2027 please ensure that Maree has their name and birthday in the office. This ensures we have a place available when your child turns 5. 2024 and early 2025 roll numbers are nearly closed.
Sacred Heart Open Day
Sacred Heart is shortly holding their open day for enrollments in 2025.
Please see the community notices section for more details.
Saint Johns Art Expo
Please see the community notices section regarding the upcoming Art Expo fundraiser at St Johns.
Safety in the carpark
I have seen much improvement here. Continue to PLEASE use the footpath and go around the admin building as the staff carpark is busy before and after school and drivers may not be able to see you and your child. This is for your child's safety.
Young Vinnies
I am so proud of our school response to the Young Vinnies Food drive. In our first week we collected over 250 food items. Let's keep this up for the rest of the term. Please read Hannah's piece in Special Catholic Character about the first week efforts.
Reminder about the driveway
Please don't drive down the drive to school. If you are late please still walk down the drive to sign in. If you are coming to collect a sick child from the office you may come down the drive to the admin building.
Cultural Showcase
After our Easter break on April 5th we will have the St Pius X Cultural Showcase. This is a chance to share your family talents and perform for the community. If you have an item you would like to perform please fill in the form sent home last week or at the School office. I can't wait to see the talent we have here at St Pius X.
If you have a younger sibling to enroll at school from 2024-2027 please ensure that Maree has their name and birthday in the office. This ensures we have a place available when your child turns 5. 2024 and early 2025 roll numbers are nearly closed.
Sacred Heart Open Day
Sacred Heart is shortly holding their open day for enrollments in 2025.
Please see the community notices section for more details.
Saint Johns Art Expo
Please see the community notices section regarding the upcoming Art Expo fundraiser at St Johns.
Safety in the carpark
I have seen much improvement here. Continue to PLEASE use the footpath and go around the admin building as the staff carpark is busy before and after school and drivers may not be able to see you and your child. This is for your child's safety.
Young Vinnies
I am so proud of our school response to the Young Vinnies Food drive. In our first week we collected over 250 food items. Let's keep this up for the rest of the term. Please read Hannah's piece in Special Catholic Character about the first week efforts.

Ngā mihi nui
Erin Clayton