Principal's Message
Miss Erin Clayton
Meri Kirihimete, Merry Christmas to all.
This is our last newsletter of 2024 and I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person in our community for making me feel so welcome over this year. St Pius X is a very special place and we have a lot to celebrate from 2024. This newsletter will be a celebration of moments from the year, as well as some important information for 2025, so please read the later sections.
May you all have the most amazing Christmas and summer break and a chance to spend time with family and friends. For those leaving for new adventures all the best, for everyone else I look forward to seeing you once more in 2025.
Building Project
2024 saw two major building projects with Stage 1 being the conversion of the Hall into Ruru A and B and the recently started Stage 2 creating 2 new classroom spaces. Over January the building project will continue and it is on track for completion in July 2025. Please follow the site directions over the holiday break regarding access to school grounds. Thank you for your understanding for all the disruptions over this time.
Classes for 2025
May you all have the most amazing Christmas and summer break and a chance to spend time with family and friends. For those leaving for new adventures all the best, for everyone else I look forward to seeing you once more in 2025.
Building Project
2024 saw two major building projects with Stage 1 being the conversion of the Hall into Ruru A and B and the recently started Stage 2 creating 2 new classroom spaces. Over January the building project will continue and it is on track for completion in July 2025. Please follow the site directions over the holiday break regarding access to school grounds. Thank you for your understanding for all the disruptions over this time.
Classes for 2025
The reports will have informed you of your child's 2025 class, we also had a session last week where the new classes were together with their new teachers.
With the building project and increased roll there has been a lot of movement and renaming of the classes for 2025. Below is a simple breakdown of classes, teachers and year levels as well as the old class name so you may be a little more aware of where your child is for 2025.
Hoiho- Years 7/8- Mr Easto
Tui- Years 7/8 Mrs Hayde
Tara-iti Year 6 Miss Burge
Kākāpō- Years 4/5 Mrs Schmidt (Old Kea class)
Kererū- Years 4/5 Whaea Rachel (Old Karearea)
Piwakawaka A- Years 2/3 Mrs O (Old Kiwi)
Piwakawaka B- Years 2/3 Mrs Williams (Old Kiwi)
Ruru- Years 2/3 Miss Ashcroft (Old Ruru B)
Pūkeko- Year 1 Miss Bruns (Old Ruru A)
Kiwi- New Entrant/Year 1 Mrs Vanxay (Old Korimako)
With the building project and increased roll there has been a lot of movement and renaming of the classes for 2025. Below is a simple breakdown of classes, teachers and year levels as well as the old class name so you may be a little more aware of where your child is for 2025.
Hoiho- Years 7/8- Mr Easto
Tui- Years 7/8 Mrs Hayde
Tara-iti Year 6 Miss Burge
Kākāpō- Years 4/5 Mrs Schmidt (Old Kea class)
Kererū- Years 4/5 Whaea Rachel (Old Karearea)
Piwakawaka A- Years 2/3 Mrs O (Old Kiwi)
Piwakawaka B- Years 2/3 Mrs Williams (Old Kiwi)
Ruru- Years 2/3 Miss Ashcroft (Old Ruru B)
Pūkeko- Year 1 Miss Bruns (Old Ruru A)
Kiwi- New Entrant/Year 1 Mrs Vanxay (Old Korimako)
Incentive celebration 2024
Incentive days are a special way for the school to acknowledge all the hard work the learners put in over the term. The Juniors Christmas Party, Years 7/8 Rainbows End, Year 6 movie and the Years 4/5 mini-golf were great ways to share the celebration at the end of the year. Here is a collection of photos from the Years 4/5 mini-golf. Please admire Mr Turners swing skills!!
Huge success of our Giving Tree Term 4 2024
Here are the photos of our final superstars of the Giving Tree. You will see the potatoes freshly dug from our school garden and shared with the community. Well done St Pius'X Family, what an amazing effort in the spirit of Advent and Christmas. Thank you to our Young Vinnies for leading this. You have made a lot of families happy this Christmas with your hard work. We look forward to seeing what the Lenten Food Drive can do in 2025.

Snapshot of 2024




Memories from Kiwi Class
Leavers' Dinner 2024


Ngā mihi nui
Erin Clayton (Principal)
Erin Clayton (Principal)