A warm welcome to Week 5, Term 4. We have stepped into the second half of term and our end of year traditions this week, with the Years 7 and 8 heading off to Rainbows end and the Junior school having fun at the Zoo next Monday. From now on there are a number of events weekly, please keep in touch via Seesaw, facebook and the newsletter to keep up with what is going on.
Jump Jam Competitions On Saturday 4th November our Years 7 and 8 Jump Jam team the 'Felicia's' came second in the North Island and 5th overall in the National Jump Jam competition held in Tauranga. They were one of only two Hamilton teams to place top 5 in all of the 11 categories. They were entered in the Years 7 and 8 Strictly Open category.
This team has put in an amazing effort over the last few terms and it truly paid off. A special thanks to Mr. Keegan Fernandes for his leadership, guidance, and hard work in making this success possible. Your efforts have inspired and empowered the team to reach new heights. Thanks to Tyla Burge for her valuable support to the team. The team trophy is in the cabinet in the admin building if you would like to come and see.
Athletics This week is our school Athletics events with the Seniors having their competition on Thursday and the Juniors on Friday. The whole school will be participating in the Sprints this Thursday afternoon. Thank you to the teaching team for all the learning and skill development that has happened so far this term. A special thank you to Tracey Vanxay for her work around organising these events. We wouldn't be able to do this without you. Unfortunately due to the hectic nature of this term there are no alternative whole school athletics dates available, if we are unable to proceed because of weather. We will keep you posted.
Memorial Tree and Book The month of November is one of remembrance in the Catholic Church. As such we have our memorial tree and book in the admin block over November. You are warmly invited to add names of remembrance to both the wall and book. These names form part of our daily prayer this Month. Giving Tree Term 4
Setting up the Giving Tree
The Vinnies of Melville have asked St Pius X for help with families in our community who may struggle over Christmas. We have set up our giving tree in the Admin block, it will remain until the end of term. The purpose of the giving tree is to collect donated gifts and food for families in our community, under the branches, to help others celebrate Christmas. Each class has been given some details of a family or person in need to support this Christmas. Talk with your child's teacher for more details. Alternatively donate what you are able. In the last week of term the donations will be collected and the Vinnies will help it go to people in need in our local community. Thank you to the young Vinnies for helping to set up the tree and Ms Williams for co-ordinating this event.
After school Pick up If you know you will be late to pick up your children after school please ring the office to let us know your expected time. All students who have not been picked up by 3pm are expected to wait on the front steps of the Admin building until they are picked up. If there is a regular day that you are unable to make 2.45pm pick up consider booking a space in after school care. twkprogrammes@gmail.com for enquiries.
Ngā mihi nui Erin Clayton (Principal)
Weekly Sports News for St Pius X
Player of the day - Wesley James Win for St Pius X !!! 34/24
News from the Office Latest Office News!
Just a few reminders for Term 4: Absences - Please let us know via telephone, Spike website or Skoolloop if your child is going to be absent. If we don't hear from you at all, we mark your child as T for Truant. This information is part of our data that goes to the Ministry of Education.
Lost Property - If you have a missing drink bottle, umbrella etc, please check at the office. We gave a lot of these things to opportunity shops last term. All unclaimed clothing was washed and put in with our second hand clothing.
Late to School - Please, please have your child (or yourself) sign them in late. This avoids the need to send you a text asking where your child is.
If you come and take your child from school during the day, please ALWAYS sign them out at the office. Thank you.
Duffy $5.00 Summer/Christmas Book Offer - Tomorrow - Friday 8th November, LAST DAY to purchase books. Please make sure the order form is NAMED and cash only!
National Jump Jam 2nd Place!
Congratulations to Felicia's for this outstanding achievement! Your dedication and commitment have truly paid off. A special thanks to Mr. Keegan Fernandes for his leadership, guidance, and hard work in making this success possible. Your efforts have inspired and empowered the team to reach new heights. Thanks to Tyla Burge for her valuable support to the team.
Well done, Team St. Pius – let’s keep the momentum going!
Birthday Corner
From everyone at St Pius X a very happy birthday to:
Birthdays - November 15th - Jiona - Tui & Matthew - Karearea 18th - Rhys - Tui 19th - Jerrold - Korimako, Kaleb - Kea and Hannah - Tui 20th - Linda - Hoiho
The NZTD (travellerdeclaration.govt.nz) is an online system that travellers can use to complete a declaration before they travel into New Zealand. The new digital NZTD was launched in August 2023 and not many people know they can now do it online – replacing the paper card you used to fill out on the plane.
Experience Sacred Heart Day We have a fun and exciting programme organised for our new students to further familiarise themselves with our school and importantly to start to build connections with fellow students and staff.