Principal's Message
Miss Erin Clayton
Tena Koutou Katoa
Welcome to Autumn and the second half of Term 1.
A big thank you to the teaching team, our learners and families for coming on Monday and Tuesday after school for goal setting and interviews. The team puts a lot of effort into this and it is a great way to share with one another about our learners. I look forward to hearing about the 2024 learning journeys.
A huge thank you also goes to Ms Maree who has worked on getting our new digital newsletter up and running this week. I am sure you agree it looks amazing.
Welcome Into the School
Please don't feel the need to wait down the drive before or after school. During COVID we got used to not coming into school grounds but that is not the case now. Please come into the school and classroom, see the children learning, have a chat on the playground and meet the other parents in the class. We would love to see you.
Coffee, Cake and Conversation
The friends of the school have organised a gathering this Friday at the end of the day. Please come and join us for Assembly and stay on for the conversation with other parents of the school. See the Friends of the school article for more details.
Easter Liturgies
We have 3 more weeks until the Easter break. The week of Good Friday, before the break, there will be a series of Liturgies at school celebrating and remembering the Easter story. As well as a Liturgy to celebrate the Resurrection after the Easter break. More details of these Liturgies are to come and the community is invited to participate in these.
Cultural Showcase
After our Easter break on April 5th we will have the St Pius X Cultural Showcase. This is a chance to share your family talents and perform for the community. If you have an item you would like to perform please fill in the form sent home last week. I can't wait to see the talent we have here at St Pius X.
Sacred Heart Open Day
Sacred Heart is shortly holding their open day for enrollments in 2025.
Date: Thursday 11th April, 2024
Welcome to Autumn and the second half of Term 1.
A big thank you to the teaching team, our learners and families for coming on Monday and Tuesday after school for goal setting and interviews. The team puts a lot of effort into this and it is a great way to share with one another about our learners. I look forward to hearing about the 2024 learning journeys.
A huge thank you also goes to Ms Maree who has worked on getting our new digital newsletter up and running this week. I am sure you agree it looks amazing.
Welcome Into the School
Please don't feel the need to wait down the drive before or after school. During COVID we got used to not coming into school grounds but that is not the case now. Please come into the school and classroom, see the children learning, have a chat on the playground and meet the other parents in the class. We would love to see you.
Coffee, Cake and Conversation
The friends of the school have organised a gathering this Friday at the end of the day. Please come and join us for Assembly and stay on for the conversation with other parents of the school. See the Friends of the school article for more details.
Easter Liturgies
We have 3 more weeks until the Easter break. The week of Good Friday, before the break, there will be a series of Liturgies at school celebrating and remembering the Easter story. As well as a Liturgy to celebrate the Resurrection after the Easter break. More details of these Liturgies are to come and the community is invited to participate in these.
Cultural Showcase
After our Easter break on April 5th we will have the St Pius X Cultural Showcase. This is a chance to share your family talents and perform for the community. If you have an item you would like to perform please fill in the form sent home last week. I can't wait to see the talent we have here at St Pius X.
Sacred Heart Open Day
Sacred Heart is shortly holding their open day for enrollments in 2025.
Date: Thursday 11th April, 2024
Time: Four sessions - 9.00am - 10.00am. 10.30am - 11.30am. 12.00pm - 1.00pm. 2.00pm - 3.00pm.
Format: Welcome in the School Hall followed by Group Tours. Registration is required. Please click link
Duration: 60 minutes
Please see the community notices section for more details.
Safety in the carpark
We have noticed a number of people cutting across the carpark to get to the Ruru classrooms. PLEASE use the footpath and go around the admin building as the staff carpark is busy before and after school and drivers may not be able to see you and your child. This is for your child's safety.
Young Vinnies
I am so proud of our Young Vinnies group who have organised and are running a Foodbank drive in the school. It is wonderful to see such an expression of alms giving during Lent in our Kura(School). Please give what non perishable food items you are able.
Please see the community notices section for more details.
Safety in the carpark
We have noticed a number of people cutting across the carpark to get to the Ruru classrooms. PLEASE use the footpath and go around the admin building as the staff carpark is busy before and after school and drivers may not be able to see you and your child. This is for your child's safety.
Young Vinnies
I am so proud of our Young Vinnies group who have organised and are running a Foodbank drive in the school. It is wonderful to see such an expression of alms giving during Lent in our Kura(School). Please give what non perishable food items you are able.

Ngā mihi nui
Erin Clayton