Principal's Message
Miss Erin Clayton
Tena Koutou Katoa
What a whirlwind term one has been. Thank you for all your generous support and welcome as I came into this lovely community. The learners at St Pius X have worked for their break with having footsteps every Wednesday, supersmash cricket, Holy Week liturgies and Easter learning.
Young Vinnies
I am so proud of the Young Vinnies and wider school community for their work around the food drive this term. These items are all going to local families in need so thank you for your continuous and generous support you have given to this promotion.

Cultural Showcase
Last Friday we were privileged to share some of the cultures that make up St Pius X. Through an evening of food, dance and song. Thank you to all the families and learners who participated to make the evening special. The Friends of the school team organised and ran the event beautifully. Thanks also goes to the school teaching team for their support around the running of the event. It was a lovely evening spent together and a very special celebration of St Pius X culture and families.
Last Friday we were privileged to share some of the cultures that make up St Pius X. Through an evening of food, dance and song. Thank you to all the families and learners who participated to make the evening special. The Friends of the school team organised and ran the event beautifully. Thanks also goes to the school teaching team for their support around the running of the event. It was a lovely evening spent together and a very special celebration of St Pius X culture and families.
Book Week
Week 2 next term will be book week. We will be celebrating books and a love of reading all week. As part of the celebration on Thursday of week 2 there will be a book character day. Everyone will dress up as their favourite book character for a parade. Start thinking over the holidays as to what you would like to come as for the day.
If you have a younger sibling to enroll at school from 2024-2026 please give their name and birthday to Maree in the office. This ensures we have a place available when your child turns 5. 2024 and early 2025 roll numbers are nearly closed.
Week 2 next term will be book week. We will be celebrating books and a love of reading all week. As part of the celebration on Thursday of week 2 there will be a book character day. Everyone will dress up as their favourite book character for a parade. Start thinking over the holidays as to what you would like to come as for the day.
If you have a younger sibling to enroll at school from 2024-2026 please give their name and birthday to Maree in the office. This ensures we have a place available when your child turns 5. 2024 and early 2025 roll numbers are nearly closed.
Bikes and Scooters on the Drive
It is wonderful to see more people scootering or riding to school. Just a gentle reminder, before and after school, please make sure to walk your bike in the carpark and on the drive. We have a number of people using the same space at the same time and by walking your bike or scooter you help everyone stay safe at this busy time. Thanks.
Ngā mihi nui
Erin Clayton
It is wonderful to see more people scootering or riding to school. Just a gentle reminder, before and after school, please make sure to walk your bike in the carpark and on the drive. We have a number of people using the same space at the same time and by walking your bike or scooter you help everyone stay safe at this busy time. Thanks.
Ngā mihi nui
Erin Clayton

Over the past week, our Year 5-8 students have explored engineering, problem-solving and teamwork through EPro8 challenges. As a school, we hired six extra sets of equipment to allow all our students to work with the equipment. Yesterday, we held competitions to find the top team at each year's level. These teams will attend the interschool competitions to be held early next term. Keep an eye out for how those teams get on.